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What To Pack For An Africa Wildlife Safari

Africa is a continent teeming with rich wildlife, and safari trips are the perfect way to see it all. But before you go, make sure you have the right gear and know what to expect. Read on for advice on packing for an Africa wildlife safari, as well as what to watch out for while on your trip. Africa is home to a vast array of wildlife, including lions, elephants, rhinos, and gorillas.

When planning a wildlife safari in Africa, it is important to consider the climate and terrain. In many areas, the summers are hot and dry, and the winters are cold and wet. Packing for one of the best Africa wildlife safari should take into account the type of clothing you'll need to stay comfortable in each climate condition.

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For hot weather destinations, pack lightweight clothes that can be easily moved around in: short-sleeved shirts, boxer shorts, light trousers or skirts, sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen if necessary. For colder climates, bring layers of clothing including sweaters, heavy coats, warm boots or shoes, and big mittens or gloves to keep your hands warm. Remember to pack insect repellent as well.

In addition to weather conditions, be aware of local customs when packing for an Africa wildlife safari. For example, some tribes may object to visitors wearing revealing clothing or making too much noise while photographing animals. Follow local advice when packing for your trip so that you're not uncomfortable or violating any local customs. Many visitors to Africa love to explore the bush on foot, so be sure to pack sturdy shoes and clothing that won't get ruined by thorny bushes or dirty roads.