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Several Ways You Can Become Earth Friendly

It is no surprise that many people are starting to care about the environment and the planet as a whole. Regardless of what we want to believe in the media the consensus is that we need to make some changes in our lifestyles if we want to preserve the well being of our earth.

Below are some helpful tips on how you can put your two cents in and help:

1. Eat more Local Organic: Large corporate farms add to the overall destruction of our planet. Many rainforests are leveled to raise beef and cattle. Try reaching out to your local farmers and get some of your groceries locally from a homegrown source.

2. Reuse Plastics and Packaging: Throwing away plastic wrappings ads greatly to the number of landfill toxins that seep into our soil every year. Whenever possible if you use plastic bags try reusing them for something else.

3. Use Organic Cleaners: Organic cleaners have almost zero pollutants and are much better for not just the environment but also you and your family. Think about your pets who walk across the floor then lick their paws.

4. Conserve Water: Take a look at all your toilets and faucets in the house. If any toilets run much longer than they should adjust them so they are a bit more efficient.

If you have a faucet or sink that drips fix it. Those little drips can add up.

5. Energy Efficient Bulbs: Energy-efficient bulbs can help in reducing your electric payment every single month. Regular bulbs give off a tremendous amount of heat only utilizing more and more power.

6. Public Transit: Do you live in or near a city and have access to the public transportation system? Try taking a bus or subway a few times per week. This will help in reducing the number of vehicle toxins in the air.