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Asbestos Facts we all Should Know About

removal Newcastle, asbestos

Asbestos is a harmful looking material during its natural state yet it can cause harmful diseases. When it enters our body, this material mainly focuses on getting accumulated on the lungs. This later leads to causing severe diseases. Let’s focus on some of the facts about asbestos we all should be aware of.

  1. When asbestos enters our body, the majority of this material does manage to come out. However, a little gets behind which is a concern since it targets the lungs. On accumulation of this material on the surface of the lungs, it leads to severe symptoms from mild to severe related to breathing and chest pains.
  2. An individual is on the verge of facing life-threatening diseases if that individual is bound to be exposed to asbestos for a longer period of time.
  3. US Environmental Protection Agency has revealed that an individual isn’t safe even after going through treatment. Therefore, the individual is still in danger of facing diseases related to asbestos.
  4. In the United States of America, around 3000 and plus people have known face issues related to asbestos.
  5. The person will only be showing symptoms related to asbestos after passing the age of 30. It is hard to see before that age.
  6. An individual who smokes on a regular basis is on the verge of being on risk of getting lung cancer. Due to this reason, it is best advised to quit smoking.

These are just a handful of facts based on asbestos. In Newcastle, asbestos removal is being considered seriously and carefully by home and building owners which are removed only by a professional.