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Architectural Foam Signage – Why is it Better Than Conventional Signs?

There is a new revolution in the badge industry caused by a great new substrate called architectural foam. This makes an excellent alternative to older signs such as plastic, metal, and wood, as the construction foam is lighter, more durable, and easier to install than signs made from one of the old traditional signs.

It is a high-density foam, therefore it is very stable and, thanks to its sealing with a transparent double layer of polyurethane, is weather-resistant, does not absorb water and therefore does not deform. It is an excellent material and is rated for winds above 130 miles per hour under building codes. You can easily get customise foam signages via

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This is a new type of foam inscription and goes so far beyond the previously expanded inscriptions that it deserves its own unique description in the foam architectural sign category. Another really exciting thing about this new material and methodology is the incredible range of finishes that you can mark your construction foam with. They can have stone paving, wood paving, concrete paving and many more in a variety of different colours and textures; The only limit is your imagination.

Foam signs are easy to use and can be made into almost any shape. So if you have a logo of a certain shape or want a set of letters in any style or colour, this is absolutely fine.