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To Shoot a Video from your Drone, Change these Settings

Perth drone videography


Drones play a huge role when it comes to taking video footages. Amateur drone operators often underestimate the camera settings and often end-up with horrible footages. You may be in some awesome location for the shoot, but it is crucial to understand the right camera settings helping you to capture the best footage. Here are some of the settings to change helping you to have that cinematic footage.

  1. Picture Profile – Setting picture profile is crucial helping you to get accurate color information and contrast. The best picture profile to set is to choose the flat profile. Shooting in flat profile helps at the time of adding colors at the time of editing.
  2. White Balance – White balance plays a role when it comes to shooting the object. In order to keep the correct white balance, it is important to choose either “cloudy” or “sunny” to get the best results. Moreover, avoid keeping the white balance to “Auto” as it would only make the editing process more difficult.
  3. ISO – Brightening or darkening the image of the object is played by the ISO of the drone. During daytime shooting, keep the ISO as low as possible. While during night time, the ISO should be only higher side.
  4. Shutter Speed – There is a difference between shutter speed and frame rate. The frame of the subject is shot with the use of shutter speed depending on the speed. Make sure the settings are correct giving you proper results.

With these tips, you are bound to get the best results for your drone videography in Perth.