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How To Choose The Right Pool Cover

While choosing a cover for your pool may seem trivial,  protecting your luxury swimming pool during the winter periods is important. Pool covers reduce evaporation and protect snow, ice, and other debris from getting into the pool. You can also navigate to this website to purchase the best swimming pool cover.

New pool owners may still not know the proper process for selecting an effective pool cover. Since choosing the right cover involves many considerations such as size, shape, and material, do some basic research before buying. 

This blog has extensive pool cover information that will help you hibernate your pool while remaining affordable and safe at the same time.

Determining your pool size 

To cover and seal properly, the pool cover must be the right size for your pool. For underground pools, experts say, the pool cover should protrude at least 3 inches past the end of the pool. 

Before buying a cover, you will need to measure it to find the right size for your pool. If your pool is a standard size, it will be easier and cheaper to find one at the store. Otherwise, you will need to order a special cover.

Swimming pool appearance 

Swimming pools with symmetrical shapes and straight edges such as square, cardioid, or greek are common at many retailers. 

Pools with rounded sides or asymmetrical sides, on the other hand, need more effort. If your pool has a different shape, you will most likely need to buy a custom pool cover.