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Positive Cash Flow Management – How It’s Done?

Cash flow refers to the movement of money or cash in a company. Cash is generated by sales, collections, and the sale of assets. Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Businesses generate cash to pay debts and cover expenses. Companies can use positive cash flow techniques to ensure they have enough cash to pay their obligations. 

If the company has enough cash, it will be able to cover its business's needs. A business can increase its cash reserve in a number of ways. These include collecting receivables and tightening credit requirements. You can avail efficient cash flow management services in Burlington online.

When collecting receivables, remember that customers must be paid promptly. Make sure your collection and billing processes are as efficient as possible. Your clients should pay you promptly. If possible, request deposits and bill clients on time to ensure timely collection. Your collection policies should be prompt and aggressive. 

Send a follow-up billing to clients if the bill is late. When it comes to collection, be very careful. A great way to increase your cash reserve is to tighten your credit requirements. This cash flow strategy requires that you are very open with customers about credit terms. Customers will pay more in cash than they do in credit if you have strict credit terms.

This reduces the risk of non-collection and possible losses. It is possible to use client questionnaires to help you decide whether to extend credit to customers. It allows you to save valuable information, such as addresses and phone numbers, which you can use to follow up in the case of non-collection or past due accounts.