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Selecting a Safe Password For Your Email Account

Email password deserves as much thought and planning as Facebook and online bank accounts. After all, the emails also contain sensitive information, including personal letters and password and other details of your other account.

A strong password should be complex and unpredictable enough to fend off hackers, but familiar enough for you to remember. You can use a random password generator and calculator from various internet sources.

What makes a good password for email?

An indication of the strength of a password include:

Mixing characters: upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols of the alphabet

  • Using the term non-dictionary
  • Using a unique password for each website
  • Changing passwords frequently
  • Using a variety of characters
  • The varied phrase to the point where it can not be predicted
  • Avoid predictable sequences like "123abc."

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Let's take a closer look at this.

Mixing character: This means avoiding any letters or numbers only a password. It's okay to use them in combination, only varied orders.

Using non-dictionary terms: It is obvious and can be cracked by software using a dictionary.

Unique passwords: If an account is compromised, you do not want to put others at risk.

Changing the password: Set a reminder for yourself to change your password regularly.

Using a variety of characters: The character of the keyboard you use, the more difficult to guess, and more difficult to crack.

Password Protection Guidelines

When creating a password, make it difficult to crack, but not so hard that you'll forget without the help of a password manager or a piece of paper where you wrote it. You should be able to memorize your password.

You can write down somewhere email password. Make sure that only you will have access to it. A fire-resistant safe will be good.

Check your email every day without storing the passphrase. It may be a little annoying but guarantee you will remember through frequent use.