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You Can Make A Difference If You Meet The Requirements To Join The Army

In a world where you may feel that what you do has little effect on others, as a soldier you can make a difference. To make this important contribution, you must understand the requirements for joining the military so that you can prepare for service. 

Your recruiter in the army can tell you about possible services, but you will need to meet some basic requirements. The online ASVAB military test offers professional training services and opportunities, but you must enter with a high school diploma. 

Do you have a GED? Soldiers can accept you, but you will not reach soldiers who have a diploma. If you have taken at least 15 credit hours after receiving your GED, you will receive the full GED balance.

To be useful in carrying out their duties, soldiers must be in good physical condition. You must be in good health, physically, and physically normal. You don't even need perfect eyesight to work in flight, but your vision problems will need to be addressed through lenses, contacts, or laser surgery.

Soldiers depend on youth strength, but you must be 18 to join the service, although a parent or guardian can sign a consent form if you wish to join at 17. Active soldiers must be between 17 and 42 years old, reserves between 17 and 40, and guard soldiers between 17 and 35.

Before enlisting, you need to know the requirements to join the military to make sure you can meet them. In most cases, you can do anything to enroll, such as develop physical strength, Lose weight, or continue your education. Joining the army offers many rewards, but you have to meet the requirements to enjoy them.