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Lower Energy Costs With an Eco-Friendly, Stylish Metal Roof

homeowners and homebuilders who are considering roofing alternatives should look at metal roofs that are fast-growing as a trend in green and home improvement. Premier metal roofing company in Chatham and get a free estimate that is made of high-end, lightweight durable, recyclable, and long-lasting material that is able to be designed to match almost every roofing style. Consider it an upgrade to asphalt clay, wood as well as other traditional (and less robust) materials.

Revenue Tax Credits as well as Energy Savings

Some roofing products are energy Star(r) evaluated according to the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA to reduce energy consumption.

Metal roofing - Designing Buildings Wiki

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Roofs constructed during 2012 and 2013 can qualify to receive tax credits of up to $500 up to December 31st, 2013. This is only applicable to primary residences.

Metal roofs are eligible as eligible for Energy Star certification and are able to reduce the temperature of roofs by up to 100deg, and decrease peak cooling demands by 15 percent, as per They also offer greater insulation against the loss of heat and cooling. Researchers from

Oak Ridge National Laboratory found that the roofs reduce the loss of heat in winter by 9 percent and decrease heat gain during summer by 37.6 percent compared to asphalt roofs.

What is the process behind this? Metal roofing products reflect, rather than absorb sunlight, meaning the home below is cooler. The insulation that is installed beneath them helps to conserve heat during the winter months and in colder environments. They also melt snow and ice faster and eliminate the risk of ice building up and icicles or ice damming which can happen when snow slams into the eaves.

Fashion and Long-Term Durability

Metal roofing doesn't need to appear as if they're constructed of metal. Manufacturers have developed styles and designs that replicate the appearance that traditional roof materials. In terms of durability, very only few homeowners require replacing any of the roofing systems on their own.