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What To Keep In Mind When Replacing Mobile Phone Batteries

When it comes to the functionality of mobile devices, the mobile phone battery is one of the most important complement to your cell phone. The kind of battery that your cell phone uses will depend upon the particular brand you are using as well as the size and shape of your cell phone.

Mobile phone batteries can be classified into four distinct categories. These include lithium polymer batteries, lithium-ion batteries, and those made using nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium. You can also buy lithium polymers via NuEnergy Storage Solutions.

The latest development amongst these is that of the lithium polymer battery. You would find lithium polymer batteries to be embedded with the latest technology enabling them to function in dc power. Such batteries are extremely lightweight which a plus point for cell phone batteries is always as it helps to keep your cell phone as lightweight as possible. Another advantage of lithium polymer batteries is the fact that unlike other batteries they do not explode even if they are deliberately punctured.

Inside the battery, every different section is enclosed in compact plastic pouches which guarantee their safety. Furthermore, such batteries do not experience any memory defects. However the fact that matters most to mobile phone users is the capacity of the battery with regards to the backup time that it can deliver. In the case of lithium polymer batteries, they are known to last more than 50 times longer when compared to their nickel-metal hydride alternative.

Hence whenever you go for your next battery change make sure the company you will be dealing with gives you a lithium-based battery for your cell phone. If you are using a relatively newer model for your mobile phone then it shouldn't be such a problem to acquire these efficient mobile phone batteries.