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Symptoms of Intestinal Endometriosis

There are many women who have intestinal endometriosis, which is quite common; at least 30 percent. When doctors first begin their diagnosis, endometriosis is the last diagnosis they will consider, although endometriosis in the intestines and not the pelvis is the most common site for postmenopausal women.

You don't have to have intestinal endometriosis to experience bowel symptoms; In fact, many women with endometriosis symptoms don't have this in their intestines. You can also navigate online to get information about the coping techniques for endometriosis.

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Most of the symptoms are caused by irritation of the endometrial implant in an adjacent area (it could be a ligament) and adhesions from another area of the large intestine. Inflammatory factors, like other organs, can play an important role in affecting bowel function.

Here are some of the symptoms associated with endometriosis which can cause intestinal problems: –

  • Stomach ache
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • diarrhea
  • intestinal cramps
  • Nausea and possibly vomiting
  • Pooping that is painful
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Rectal pain

When some patients have intestinal endometriosis, the implant is usually on the surface, which means the implant is on the surface of the intestine and is easily removed. Because many of the symptoms stem from inflammatory problems rather than from the endometriosis implant itself, removing the implant in the intestine may not always cure pain and cramping.

Sometimes endometriosis can cause intestinal symptoms in the area right next to the intestine. This mostly occurs near the lumbosacral ligament or septum, as the intestines may have more contact with these areas.