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How To Build a Reliable Nopcommerce Plugin

This article will guide you through how to build a custom plugin for nopcommerce. The plugins that come with the platform are good, but if you want something more specific, this is the way to go. You'll learn what to look out for when considering which types of software to use for your plugin and how best to create it so that it runs smoothly and seamlessly with the rest of your site.

Lifestyle Blogging with No Commerce from will teach you how to create a blog that has the look and feel of a lifestyle blog without selling your own products. It'll show you how to use WordPress and a few other tools to make it look nice, but won't let you sell anything. You can easily turn this into a shopping cart if you want to or keep it simple if you don't.

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You will be able to give freebies away to people who sign up for your mailing list, promote your services, and more. This is all done through custom posts and the plugin itself, so no need for any 3rd party plugins!

Lifestyle blogging allows you to wrap up your writing in a way that feels like a lifestyle blog but still contains your own personality. Most people can relate to that, so there's a good chance you'll find success with this style of blogging even if you haven't tried it before. All you need to do is sign up for the plugin and then follow the directions in the book!