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How Does the Document Destruction Process Work In Perth?

Today it is imperative that businesses and individuals have a secure way to destroy their sensitive documents to prevent criminal activities such as identity theft and fraud. When a person or company uses the services of a document destruction company, the document destruction process is such to ensure that no one steals or sees the document again. 

This document destruction service meets the protection criteria for all levels of security regarding document fragmentation. This is due to the efficient and secure document destruction process that the company uses. You can also avail the benefits of document destruction services in Perth via

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The document shredding company you choose must adhere to strict security policies and regulations when ripping sensitive documents. There are two document destruction methods that companies can offer – on-site document destruction and off-site document destruction.

On-site destruction

Many people prefer to tear the documents on the spot because the company will come to them and destroy the documents on the spot. Company employees undergo training and criminal background checks before they can serve a company or individual. They agree on a suitable schedule before the company arrives on site. In addition, the company provides you with locked containers for office distribution to store sensitive documents while they are being shredded.

Off-site destruction of documents

With external document shredder, document shredder companies come to you to collect sensitive documents. Similar to on-site document destruction, the company will provide you with an office distribution locked repository to store sensitive documents until they are retrieved for destruction.