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Preventing Foot And Ankle Injuries While Participating In Track And Field

Track and field is a sport that has wide participation due to its varied events. However, foot and ankle injuries can quickly end a season. The foot has to absorb 275% of one's body weight when running.

This results in a lot of strain during a race. Injuries such as plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the tissues on the bottom of the foot) and tendonitis are common among runners. There are certain steps that can be taken to avoid these injuries throughout the season. For joint replacement treatment, you can visit

Throughout the running cycle, the foot first pronates (turns in) and then supinates (turns out). If the foot pronates too much or too soon there can be excessive stress placed on tendons and ligaments. If the foot does not go into enough pronation, there is insufficient shock absorption and excessive stress placed on the lateral (outside) foot.

Pain and injury can also occur in the knee, hip, or back if either of these problems is occurring. Improper foot mechanics can be determined by examining a shoe that has been used for running. Excessive pronation can be detected if the inside of the sole is worn more than the outside; if the outside is more worn than the inside, not enough pronation is occurring.

There are several reasons that afoot does not go through the proper range of motion (ROM) during the running cycle. One reason may simply be the structure of the foot. A foot with a naturally low arch is more flexible causing it to pronate excessively. A foot that has a high arch is more rigid and may not pronate enough.

Another reason for improper mechanics is insufficient flexibility. If the gastrocnemius and soleus (calf) muscles are tight, the foot is not able to perform the proper motions needed for running. A final reason is an insufficient strength. If the muscles in the ankle, knee, and hip are too weak to control the motion of the foot during high velocity, weight-bearing activity, the foot will not be controlled properly.