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How To Choose A Lithium-Ion Cordless Drill

A cordless drill is a power drill that is used to drill holes in walls, wood, and other tough surfaces. Cordless drills are available in a myriad of configurations and sizes and it is easy to locate stores keeping 50+ different cordless drill drivers. If you want to purchase the best cordless drill, visit


For many, shopping for these"man tools" can be a daunting task. One thing is for certain – you do not need a system that's unsuitable for the work you desire. To help you make sense of them, I'll discuss different kinds of cordless drills and drill attributes.

Traditionally, cordless drills have been powered by nickel-cadmium (NICAD) batteries. The most important issue with this NICAD battery was the inevitable development of the"memory effect". The battery package only develops a tendency to accept a partial charge in full and you are left with a battery that has greatly reduced run-time.

New ion (Li-ion) batteries are getting to be available in more and cordless drills. Li-ion batteries offer you some distinct advantages over NICAD batteries, such as no memory effect, long-lasting, long service life, and high power output. Additionally, lithium-ion cells contribute less fat than a comparable NiCAD cell phone.

Frankly, I would not even think about a cordless drill with no lithium-ion grid. They're slightly pricier than NICAD counterparts, but, worth the price is given to the advantages listed above.

Drill-drivers are easily the most frequent sort of cordless drill. Most are useful for general household tasks as well as light building work. These drills can be found with a 3/8 or 1/2 inch throw. For most weekend-warriors, a cordless drill with a 3/8 inch toss is suitable.